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The Missouri Association of School Psychologists

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MASP Call for Action to End Racism and Violence Against People of Color

Advancing social justice is an ongoing goal of significance for the Missouri Association of School Psychologists (MASP) and an ethical principle for school psychologists, who serve as advocates for all children. The avoidable killings of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and too many others, have led to impassioned calls for immediate and meaningful action to dismantle systemic racism and violence against people of color, especially Black individuals. MASP stands with the countless associations and individuals who are calling for action to end racism and injustice.

It was just six years ago that Ferguson, Missouri was the site of protests and civil unrest due to the unnecessary and untimely death of Michael Brown at the hands of a police officer. It is truly unfortunate that history continues to repeat itself because the critical systematic changes that so many have called for have gone unanswered. Yet again, deeply rooted inequities have led to heartbreaking loss.

MASP acknowledges that everyone has a role to play in bringing about critical changes and ending social inequities. Systemic racism and oppression have a significant psychological impact on the Black children and other children of color; as well as the families, educators, and communities that we serve as school psychologists. Therefore, immediate priorities of both MASP and our membership should be to self-reflect, actively listen, engage in supplemental learning, discuss difficult topics, advocate, and take action. In short, we must all pledge to make social justice an ongoing priority that guides our daily personal and professional practices.

MASP endorses the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) Calls for Action to End Racism and Violence Against People of Color (2020).

We would also like to share and amplify the following from the Minnesota Association of School Psychologists:

We implore those in positions of privilege to take steps to change the status quo (and we hope you will help us do the same within our program and field). If you are looking for ways to take action, potential resources include:

      75 Things White People can do for Racial Justice

      Anti-Racism Resources

      ACLU take action


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Everyone's voice is important in our association. Please contact your regional representative with any questions, suggestions, photos and resources.

For website suggestions or concerns please contact the MASP webmaster.

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MASP is excited to support you and the ethical practice of School Psychology here in the state of Missouri. Please Join Us in supporting each other and the children we serve.

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