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The Missouri Association of School Psychologists

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The Missouri Association of School Psychologists (MASP) is dedicated to increasing current workforce shortages, promoting the profession of school psychology, increasing access to comprehensive school-based services to Missouri's students, and ensuring that school psychologists in the state of Missouri of of high caliber.  

MASP Advocacy is divided into two subcommittees: Advocacy & Outreach. These two subcommittees are constantly working with the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP), the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), and other educational and relevant associations within the state to promote best practices, which include the use of evidence-based interventions in all levels of education, the promotion and implementation of MTSS, PBIS, and trauma-informed schools, seeks to improve comprehensive mental health school-based services, and improve the overall practice of and access to School Psychology within Missouri.

If you would like to learn more about the ways in which MASP advocates for the role and reach of School Psychologists in Missouri, please contact Rachel Teson, Outreach Co-Chair or Katya Sussman-Dawson, Advocacy Co-Chair. Also, follow us on social media to hear about our efforts in real time! 


The Advocacy and Outreach Subcommittees are hard at work on the following tasks-

  • Creating and promoting the official MASP Legislative and Policy Platform for the 2022 Legislative Session-- Click on the Link for Full Platform or See Below for an Overview
  • Introducing Legislation in both the Missouri Senate and House to promote the profession of School Psychology in the state
  • Promoting the use of School Psychologists at Medicaid providers
  • Partnering with multiple associations in Missouri to create a Statewide Child Mental Health Task Force
  • Working on multiple Task Groups and collaborating with multiple agencies and organizations to promote best practices
  • Monitoring current Missouri Senate and House of Representatives Bills to advocate for legislation that promotes best practices and monitor legislation that could be harmful for kids and families.



These great tools can help you when communicating to other about our role and how School Psychologists supports kids and families:

National Resources

Missouri Specific Resources (2019)

Additional Resources

Want to get involved at a National level? The NASP Advocacy Center allows you to quickly and effectively identify your local officials and contact them via phone, mail, or e-mail. 

Contact us!

Everyone's voice is important in our association. Please contact your regional representative with any questions, suggestions, photos and resources.

For website suggestions or concerns please contact the MASP webmaster.

Join Us!

MASP is excited to support you and the ethical practice of School Psychology here in the state of Missouri. Please Join Us in supporting each other and the children we serve.

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