Welcome to the Missouri Association of School Psychologist's careers and internship forum! Please post your internship positions and job openings for colleagues and agencies in the state to see.
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- When posting a new topic, try to keep it within the area of the forum in question (Questions and discussion points should be posted on the Member Forum). If posted in an inappropriate forum, a moderator will move the topic to the correct forum.
- When posting a reply, try to keep the message relevant to the topic in question.
- Typing your messages in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS comes across as SHOUTING online. Please use regular lowercase letters.
- Make a special effort to be courteous and to build a positive sense of community with fellow members.
- Sarcasm, irony, and humor do not always work well on-line, particularly with groups with different linguistic and cultural backgrounds. When posting, keep in mind that such elements can easily be misinterpreted.
- If you have a conflict with an individual, send your comments to the offender directly by private message or else contact the moderator.