Webster University (St. Louis) Adjunct Faculty Positions
Job Description Summary
Webster University’s School of Education is strengthening and enhancing its courseofferings in school psychology and applied educational psychology by inviting applications for teaching EPSY courses on an adjunct basis.
In Webster’s Applied Educational Psychology and School Psychology programs, students apply their knowledge of psychology to benefit others, especially children and youth in schools. These programs have multicultural and international curricular emphases and every graduate student experiences a globalized learning component. Please see http://www.webster.edu/education/academics/applied-educational-psychology.html and http://www.nasponline.org/resources-and-publications/resources/diversity/cultural-competence/multicultural-and-bilingual-school-psychology-graduate-programs/webster-university
Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until all of the adjunct faculty positions are filled. Applicants with expertise in professional school psychology, the psychology of gifted and talented youth, and international psychology are especially needed.
For more information about these positions, please contact Dr. Debbie Stiles, stilesda@webster.edu
Minimum Qualifications
For these adjunct faculty positions, a doctorate in school psychology is strongly preferred, but doctorates from other areas of psychology will be considered.
Special Instructions to Applicants
Applicants should forward: (1) a cover letter (indicating Webster campus), (2) curriculum vitae, (3) statement of teaching philosophy, (4) statement of research interests and relevant publications, and (5) at least two professional letters of reference, and (6) Undergraduate and Graduate Transcripts.
If you are unable to submit your documents online, send them to:
Adjunct Faculty Positions— School of Education Graduate Programs, Webster Groves
Human Resources Jobs
470 E. Lockwood Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63119